Question / Help Should I use separate encoders, stream & record at the same time?


New Member
I was wondering if it be best if I use different encoders for different tasks while i stream & record.
I'm thinking...

- x264 for livestreams
- NVENC H.264 for recordings

I've been reading the pros and cons of both. But I haven't seen recommendations if I were to stream & record at the same time.

Basically, I want to have a consistent live-stream, while I record a better quality recording for editing/uploading purposes.
Does having different encoders have any effect at all, or using the same encoder does't matter?


if you used the streaming encoder then the quality would be the same as the broadcast. If you used x264 separate then the CPU usage would double. If you used NVENC with NV12 then you'd have probably 3% to 5% more CPU usage and you'd be fine, but you'd be limited to the resolution and fps the cast is set to unless you go at resizing through the encoder instead of downsizing through video options. But then the CPU Usage changes.


If whatever you're using to encode can handle it, you can do it... but for streaming you should always use x264.

As to recording, since bandwidth usually isn't an issue (most HDDs can easily record at over 40,000kbps), you can lighten the load on your CPU by using NVENC/AMF/QSV, so why not?