Should I disable Nvidia Share/Geforce Experience if using NVENC to stream AND record simultaneously?


New Member
Hi there. I have a simple question with hopefully a simple answer (fingers crossed). I've heard that NVENC is able to handle two encoding streams at once, but I don't quite understand how it works. I want to use NVENC to both stream and record locally at the same time, as I have a 2080 Ti and thus more than enough performance overhead to do both, but I can't find results on whether Nvidia Share/Geforce Experience count as one of those encoding streams even if you're not using them. I keep it turned on with the overlay while streaming for things like framerate monitoring, but I don't use highlights or recording. Should I turn it off completely when I'm using OBS? Will doing so reduce frame drops or increase performance?
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New Member
Haha well I guess that answers my question, technically. I'll try it with GFE disabled just to see if it changes my performance any but with 3 sessions I guess overloading it is no longer an issue!


New Member
Hmm, the strange thing is this leaves me with no solution to the issue I'm having then. Even though my GPU never goes over 50-60% utilization while streaming and recording with NVENC and playing a DX12 game at 90+ fps, I still get heavy framerate lag when turning sharply. Setting my framerate to 60 ingame seems to mitigate this but... why is this happening if I have the performance overhead available? What should my average time to render frame be? When I'm doing these three things at once it's ~1-1.5ms.


Active Member
We'd need to see a logfile from a live streaming/recording session at least 30s in length to be able to diagnose any issues.

NVENC uses a separate part of the GPU core though, that normally sits idle. There are only three options that 'steal' CUDA cores and may have impact/be affected by gameplay; lookahead, psycho-visual tuning, and the Max Quality preset. Turn those two options off and use the Quality preset instead.