short breaks in streaming music on Facebook and YouTube


New Member
I have a problem with short breaks in streaming music on facebook and youtube, like throttling
Hardware: yamaha mg10 xu usb mixer with the latest driver version, I will add that nothing like this happens when playing or recording audio only.
Computer: ryzen 5 5700 cpu, 32 ddr 5 ram and rtx 4060 graphics, but on another computer it's the same.
I have already replaced the mixer with a focusrite scarlett 2i2 gen4 audio interface but it's also the same....

Streaming software obs studio but on straemlabs I have the same.

It appears, every few minutes for a split second...
Any ideas on how to solve this?

You can hear it here:

exactly 7 minutes 57 seconds
greetings and waiting for help


New Member
i have made some tests, also if i'm recording locally i see the same issue, bios, drivers windows and obs up to date ... no idea, also if i'm recording or streaming via line in (without usb) see the same ...