Sharing settings and profiles


New Member

I represent a sports league who would like to build a streaming setup with OBS as base for the streaming service. We are talking about using the same graphics and the same profile in OBS so all clubs can share settings etc to have the same quality on our broadcasts.
is there any way to export settinga from one computer and import them on another computer?

Well, you could start with "Profile", "Export" and "Scene Collection", "Export.
On the File menu, try "Show Settings Folder" and "Show Profile Folder"

On Windows, settings, profile, and scene collection are all under C:\Users\{your username}\AppData\Roaming\obs-studio
Examining and copying stuff to or from there is best done while OBS isn't running.

Any Lua/Python scripts, graphics and similar files are wherever you put them.

Some of these files, such as global.ini and scene collection .json files contain absolute paths, pointing at scripts, graphics and the like. That could make sharing files a hassle if you store the files in your Documents folder and the computers at the clubs have different userIDs. So, either
  • Put the files in the same place on all the computers (maybe something like C:\stuff-for-shared-obs)
  • Create a user account on each computer with the same ID, and log in using that ID to run OBS. Then files can go under that user's Documents and have the same absolute path on all PCs.
(If you need to examine or edit the scene collection .json file, note that it is "minified": no newlines. Some editors can deal with this. I use Notepad++ with a plugin called JSTool)