Bug Report Several streaming issues with OBS Studio for CSGO & more


New Member
Okay, so I recently upgraded to OBS Studio because I wanted to use the browser link plugin, which for some reason stopped working.

I am able to stream World of Warcraft good enough, BUT CS:GO (Counter-Strike: Global Offensive) gets a black screen, every time I try. I've tried messing with several of the settings including running as Admin + trying to fixing the compatibility to Windows 7. I've also treid monitor capture, game capture, and window capture. Same results.

I run Win10 as 64-bit.

When I say good enough, I say that because it suffices, but the quality I got from the old OBS (prior to Studio) was perfect, now it's just.. bleh.. which is crap because my viewers get the quality hit, while I'm just managing to get by on crap stream.

I love OBS Studio, and would love to fix these issues.. help if you can, I've checked everywhere, reddit, youtube, google.. covered all my bases. Looking for an OBS Studio pro <3

Thanks for reading.