Question / Help Settings for Streaming ?


New Member
Hi guys,

I am looking for some help on all round settings for streaming, I have used obs for sometime and have had no issues sorting myself out in the past but after a new build, I am finding that my ingame FPS is tanking and is not sustainable for competitive gameplay.

I am looking to stream Games such as WoW, HotS , LoL.

My current pc Build specs are as follows:

W7 HomePremium OS
Z170x-Gaming 7 Gigabyte Mobo
i7600K 4.2GHZ
Corsair Vengeance 16GB 3000mhz
GTX870 Gfx

I play on a Phillips Gsync Monitor with 1920x1080 resolution.

My net speeds are:
However, I am in a house where my fiance games/Streams netflix constantly aswell so net is shared.

What are the best settings for my stream, should I have my OBS on the same drive as OS/Games etc?

I know this is probably covered in another thread but I have tried numerous settings and cannot get my stream to record without lagging gameplay.

Thank you fella's and Ladies.
If you are streaming to Twitch then the standard option for a non-partnered streamer is 720p 30fps with your bitrate between 2000 and 2500.

Your upload speed is fine for this and it's all that makes sense on Twitch until you are partnered. Other platforms differ though so let us know if you are a non Twitch person.

More info here:

Your PC should be able to handle this no problem, if you have spare CPU then you can try changing the CPU preset to fast.


New Member
Hi Adrian, yes streaming to twitch only at the moment.

I'll change my settings to those you suggested 1290x720 Res and cap at 30fps and see if it makes any difference.

I was a little shocked at just how choppy my gameplay was, the stream quality was actually very good just my ingame FPS tanked.
They only thing I can see is that right now you have a native 1080p (1920x1080) video, and are downscling to 720p. Try changing that to a native 720p and don't downscale and see if that makes a difference.


New Member
Hi Mitchell, Thanks for your reply.

When I change the resolution on OBS to 1280x720, its only recording a zoomed in corner of my games?

Sorry for being dense here ><


New Member
You need to change your source to fit the screen. Just right click the source and select "fit to screen" under transform.