Question / Help SETTINGS FOR MBP 2015 NO GPU - OBS MOJAVE 10.14.6

Hey guys, whazup? im new at OBS, but im trying to do my best with my mbp which i use with Ableton and sort of plugins... want to record, not be at live. I include my log for courious and tech persons who can help me.. i need the right settings to have a good perfomance (because its lags a little bit when im using OBS+Ableton) and cannot understand difference between red screen and blue screen at the pre showing in the OBS app... must be at full screen right? seems something is wrong because shows a piece of it..(attach screen)
Captura de Pantalla 2020-05-09 a la(s) 10.44.58.png



The only GPU that OBS uses on MBP is the Intel GPU (which all MBP have.) On a 2015 MBP (which is what I use as well) if you are not using the Apple encoder (for streaming and recording) you are going to lag. I am not sure I understand the rest of your post. You can use transform to fit the display capture to the screen. You can crop if you need to by using the alt key and dragging on the handles.