If I am streaming PC games, preview lag is not an issue because I am gaming on the same computer I stream from (so I just use the actual game output), but when I stream console games, it is super important to not have any added input lag. I am using an Elgato HD60 Pro and if I use their software, there is virtually no input lag (or at least it is low enough to be usable). In OBS, the preview delay/input lag is much worse. I have even selected to "project" the Elgato source so that it doesn't have all the overlays and what not around it, but there is still lag. Am I missing something? I currently have the console set to output at 1080 and downscale that in OBS (via canvas/base resolution) to 720. All my graphics are currently designed around 720 resolution for the canvas. Could that be causing the delay or is this just an inherent problem with OBS? Otherwise, I have to use Elgato's software to monitor the game and window capture in OBS to actually stream the game, which is a little silly.