Setting Multiple Cameras


New Member
Looking for assistance.
I am running OBS on a laptop with 1 external USB mic, and attempting to connect 3 USB cameras. I get the first 2 cameras (A&B) connected and running fine. I add the third camera (C) and I loose one of the original 2. All the cameras and the mic are going into a powered USB hub.
When I restart I can get A&C but not B, restart again, now I get B&C but not A. Is there a setting that I am missing?

Actually have a similar but slightly different issue on another set up where I have 5 cameras connected, but one of the 5 never connects. On this issue, it iw always the same camera that does not connect.

Any assistance is appreciated.


You're overloading your USB bus It doesn't have enough bandwidth for the mic and three cameras
What laptop and what cameras are you using

chris bono

New Member
I am having similar issue with each webcams with built in audio - seems like only 1 cam per hub on my laptop will work . solutions ?


It's a limitation of the UBS bus in how it works and its bandwidth So, the only way to not have problems is to only put one active camera per USB Host Controler Bus You could get into checking how much of the bandwidth the cams are using on a bus to see what you are working with Like two 720p30 cams should work on a USB 3 controller, maybe even a USB 2 one Also depends on the camera, mode it's working in and resolution


New Member
It's a limitation of the UBS bus in how it works and its bandwidth So, the only way to not have problems is to only put one active camera per USB Host Controler Bus You could get into checking how much of the bandwidth the cams are using on a bus to see what you are working with Like two 720p30 cams should work on a USB 3 controller, maybe even a USB 2 one Also depends on the camera, mode it's working in and resolution
Thank you for the info. This does help. I am a trial and error person and am not all that computer savy so this info does point me in the right direction.