Question / Help Serious drops in FPS while setting up scenes for League of Legends


New Member
Note: I'm getting these issues before even going live. Everything is fine up until I try to capture League as a source, whether it be Window or Monitor Capture (Game Capture has never worked). So I'll choose Window Capture, and while previewing it, I'll get an instant drop in FPS and also this weird audio popping/crackling noise. Has anybody else had this issue?


Active Member
You're overloading your system with your settings.
And game capture should be used to capture the actual match. Run OBS as admin.


New Member
What settings should I lower?

And yes, I window capture the client and have tried game capturing the match, but it never detects it.


Active Member
You're using a lot of bad settings in your system right now
2> Run OBS as admin
3> remove ALL display capture sources
4> set your cpu usage preset back to veryfast, your system cannot handle faster (the list is sorted by cpu usage, ultrafast being lowest cpu use)
5> Game capture the lobby and do NOT minimize the game to check to see if it's capturing.