Question / Help sending obs video to skype


New Member
Hi there all. We are working on starting a new table top D&D stream on twitch. We currently have 4 cams to get all the shots that we need in meat space. I am figuring everything out for the most part thanks to all the youtube videos and what I have read out here. The thing I am looking for and do not seem to be able to find is regarding Skype. I can get skype video and audio into OBS and that is working pretty well. I am now looking for a way to push the OBS video out to Skype so the person that we have skyping in will see what I am switching to so they can follow the action as I am switching. I know that in skype I can hit the + and and share the OBS window but for some reason all I can see is the section at the bottom of OBS that list the Scenes, Sources, Mixer, and such but the section in the middle that should show the cameras is just a blank white box. I see the cams in OBS studio on my PC so I am not sure why that section is blank on my phone when I share OBS. Any thoughts? Or is there a better way?


New Member
I just changed Skype to share my entire desktop and I can see the video in OBS but when I only share obs all I get is a white screen. odd. Thank you Fenrir. Any other suggestions on how to get video to the skype caller? 3rd party software or anything like that?


Forum Admin
If you have multiple monitors, you can possibly use the Fullscreen Projector mode on one monitor and then capture that monitor with skype. Kinda messy, but might get the job done for something simple like a D&D stream.