Selecting interface inputs.


New Member
Hey people.

I know this might've been asked before but I haven't been able to find a proper answer.

I want to be able to
1) Have OBS recognize my interface's individual inputs
2) Mix these audio inputs separately within OBS.

Contrary to popular request, I AM NOT LOOKING TO CAPTURE SYSTEM AUDIO. I simply would like to be able to control levels separately for my interface inputs and have OBS mix them down to stereo.

I know OBS can mix down multiple audio capture devices. I also know OBS can capture most of my interfaces inputs IF i change the audio settings to surround sound. The problem with this is
a) I DO NOT want to CAPTURE a surround setup
b) I DO NOT want to stream in surround sound. I want to stream stereo.
c) I DO NOT want to change my system audio to use virtual audio devices. Again, I am not trying to capture system audio.

Ideally, this is what I would like to do: Have a fader for my Interface's first input, then have a separate stereo fader in the audio mixer for input channels 3 & 4 of THE SAME interface. I would like to be able to process these channels independently with plug-ins, and have OBS mix these to stereo for the stream.

I'm pretty sure it should be possible since I tested a "surround" setup (Going to settings and selecting a 4.0 setup). What peeves me is that I cant control levels separately for any of the channels, and also I do not want to send a multi channel audio stream, I just want stereo.

Is this possible? Will it ever be possible?

Thanks in advance.


New Member
What you are looking for is a plugin called OBS-ASIO by Andersama. First update OBS to the latest version and then go and download the plugin from the github page. Now install the plugin ( make sure OBS is not running before you do so) and head into OBS. Now ideally when you click on the Add button in the sources panel you should see an ASIO Input Capture. Select that and when it opens you will see some fields... In device just use some ASIO driver (note the device here refers to the asio driver and not to an actual device like your interface). Format should be mono and then in OBS channel 1 select whichever input of your interface you wish to use. If you dont see your interface inputs click on control panel and make sure your asio driver is using the correct interface. Once that input is ready you can proceed to add more ASIO Input Captures for your other inputs by following the same steps. You can now add filters, mix and use the audio mixer sliders for your inputs seperately and OBS will mix it down for you into a stereo output for you.


New Member
What you are looking for is a plugin called OBS-ASIO by Andersama. First update OBS to the latest version and then go and download the plugin from the github page. Now install the plugin ( make sure OBS is not running before you do so) and head into OBS. Now ideally when you click on the Add button in the sources panel you should see an ASIO Input Capture. Select that and when it opens you will see some fields... In device just use some ASIO driver (note the device here refers to the asio driver and not to an actual device like your interface). Format should be mono and then in OBS channel 1 select whichever input of your interface you wish to use. If you dont see your interface inputs click on control panel and make sure your asio driver is using the correct interface. Once that input is ready you can proceed to add more ASIO Input Captures for your other inputs by following the same steps. You can now add filters, mix and use the audio mixer sliders for your inputs seperately and OBS will mix it down for you into a stereo output for you.
Hi Abel, thanks for answering. I don't think OBS-ASIO works in macOS.