Question / Help Second monitor lag during fullscreen games


New Member
Hey there.

When I play a game in fullscreen (I have noticed this a lot with Assassin's Creed: Black Flag), if I use game capture option in OBS, the streamed capture likes to stutter. My viewers can see the gameplay stuttering and I can see it in OBS but the gameplay is fine. But if I use the Monitor Capture, my second monitor framerate drops to 1fps. How can I fix these issues? Also, I cannot change AC4:BF to borderless windowed mode. Not an option for the game.

Thank you.

Win 10
Gigabyte Z170-Gaming 7
Intel I5 6600K
G.Skill Ripjaw V Series 16GB
2x Gigabyte GTX 1070


  • 2017-01-08 14-53-04.txt
    6.7 KB · Views: 16


have you tried turning on VSync in game?

please upload a log with a stream/recording in it (record for a few minutes then stop then upload that log)


Active Member
15:23:42.841: Output 'simple_file_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 86 (10.2%)

Change encoder to x264, low CPU usage for recordings. OR you can try NVENC


use 64bit OBS instead of 32bit

make sure your drivers are updated, also are you streaming or recording? if you are streaming use x264 and a CBR of around 2500-3000. If you are doing local recordings use NVENC on CQP which basically the same quality as x264 CRF but with much better performance. Or if you really want to use x264 on CRF then set the cpu usage to ultrafast. Rendering lag/stalls should mean its your GPU that is causing the drops. Which seems weird. Are you streaming on these settings?


New Member
No recording, only streaming. I am streaming with the settings I have and will change to these in the morning. The GPU are brand new so I don't know what it could be if those are the issue. I will find out in the morning when I try this out. thank you for the reply.


Rate controls. CBR stands for constant bit rate. CRF stands for constant rate factor.

You shouldn't worry about this, you should use simple output mode.

Set your video bitrate to 2500
Encoder x264
Audio bitrate 128

Video tab:
canvas res 1920x1080
output res 1280x720
downscale filter lanczos
framerate 30

use these settings and if you are still getting framedrops upload a new log while using these settings.


New Member
Okay, still having the issue with these changes. Thanks for quick reply, I actually deleted the previous message because I found out what that was with some research. Anyways, still got the issue, so I got a new log.


  • 2017-01-13 08-00-27.txt
    8.5 KB · Views: 5


New Member
I did not. I just did, should I have?

Edit: It did not change anything. I should note that the 1fps on second monitor isn't only when I stream or record, just with OBS open and capturing my monitor.


New Member
It's my entire 2nd monitor. I can be watching a video just fine, but if OBS is capturing my main monitor then my second monitor drops. I will try now without SLI

Edit: I disabled SLI, and tried again. Same thing.


try going to performance options (adjust appearance and performance) on windows and set it to adjust for best appearance