Screen Cutting Off During Recording


New Member
I posted this the other day, and I received one response, but I wasn't given an option to work around this, so I'm trying again, b/c I really need to figure out a solution. I'm screen recording, and a particular website is cutting off the left side of the screen. The response I received was that it was an old website and created in a 4:3 resolution. Fair enough. I asked for a workaround but never received a response. I wanted to know to why it wasn't recording properly, since the site shows up in my browser the same as any other website, and therefore, shouldn't OBS simply capture what's on-screen? Second, if I change my Windows resolution to a 4:3 rez, and make the corresponding changes in OBS, as well, would that allow me to capture this website properly?

If you'd like to see the original post, that can be found here. Thank you.