Question / Help Scene Transitions

Andy Brine

New Member
Hi Everyone,

I have been using OBS for a while now and have to say that I love it! The development team have done a fantastic job! There is one thing that I have been struggling with and I am hoping you provide me with some answers. First of all I am using OBS Studio for Ubuntu which I gather is slightly different than on other platforms. Having searching youtube for videos that show how to do transitions between scenes I realise I am not able to achieve the same with my obs for ubuntu as it does not have the option for global sources.

So, is it possible to create transitions between scenes with OBS on Ubuntu? If it is possible, How can I go about doing it?

P.s. I have just upgraded to OBS 0.10.0 which just came out today.

Thanks in advance!

Andy Brine

New Member
Ok, no problem. Thanks for letting me know dodgepong. I noticed you can create basic transitions with OBS in windows at it uses global sources. I thought it may have a basic transition like a fade effect but it just cuts to the other scene.

Do you know when custom transitions may become available? I see that they released a new version today which I updated to :)


Community Helper
The default transition should be a quick fade. I'm not sure when more transition options will be worked on next.


The default transition should be a quick fade. I'm not sure when more transition options will be worked on next.
Okay, there seems to be a bug then. Because the fade comes only about half the time. But IMO this is a low priority feature on the development list, so no worries :)

E: Okay after some more testing it's little more than 50:50. More like 70:30 the fade works.

Andy Brine

New Member
I thought the default transition was a fade but it just cuts to another scene for me as well. I will see if I can post a log for you later.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Right now it just cuts. I might start working on transitions this patch or next, there's a huge laundry list of other higher priority parity-related things to do still though. Transitions are built in to the API, just not yet implemented due to prioritization.


New Member
Do you know of any possible workaround for this for the time being? The only thing i care about is that default fade transition. There are SO MANY good things I want to use OBS multiplatform for, but I need to have that transition for what I'm using it for. It makes me really sad! :p