Question / Help Scene Switch issue at „automatic scene switcher“ settings


New Member
I do have the problem when I switch with the shortcut „CMD + tab“ between Obs windows and another application that OBS always goes to the szene „iPhone“ though thos scene is not programmed in the advanced scene switcher plug in ( I do have the 4 scenes. Szene #1 to 3 are automatically switched by the advanced scene switcher - Scene #4 is the „iPhone“ Szene that is excluded by this change).
My guess for this issue is: before i installed the advanced scene switcher I went to „tools“ - automatic scene switch and entered in the settings at „if no window fits“ go to Szene „iPhone“.
But since I installed the plugin „advance Szene switcher I am not able to change any settings in this window anymore. The only way to close the window is by pressing the Red Cross in the upper left corner so no changes will be saved.
Any idea?