Scene name vs Source name


New Member

I am playing around with Windows version of OBS Multi and I found out that if you try name Scene and Source with same name ( even if the source is in different scene) you will get "error warning" Name already exists.
Not sure if its intended.

For example i created first scene named Browser, than wanted to add source with same name, since i normaly use combinations like Scene=Name of the game and Global source=Name of the game, since naming any game just "game" when iam streaming few games is kinda not possible. I mean i can use like "Scene=Name of the game" and
"Source=abbreviation of the game".

Just want to point that out in case its not intended.



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It's actually sort of intended, scenes are technically also just sources.


New Member
Hi Jim,

thank you for answer.

Another thing i noticed, when you delete some source from all scenes, it automaticly disapere from "saved" sources (existing) so you need to set it all again.
Is it intended too?
I know in future you should be able to just uncheck the source, but still, since i am trying to have order in my scenes i rather deleting my sources if i dont need them for longer time instead just unchecking them. Because i can re-add them easily if i need to from global source.

I hope you can understand what iam trying to say :))