Scalable bottom UI, Naming inputs

Since there is multitrack recording now, im going to make heavy use of it. This enables me to fix mixing volumes later if needed. however there is a slight issue with the UI. Now that i have a mixed input, mic input, game output, voicechat output, i have 4 devices that are in use. I'd like to keep an eye on the levels for all of them, but only 3 fit in the lower part of the UI.

Would it be possible to make the lower UI be adjustable in height? Like a divider or something?
Furthermore it would increase usability, if it was possible to rename audio devices so you know that slider X is for game audio, slider Y is for mic, slider Z is for premixed input from mixer etc.


Community Helper
The UI is not final. I think it's safe to expect changes eventually that will make organizing the layout more flexible.