Question / Help Save Scenes in OBS


New Member
I would like to know if i am able to save different scenes in OBS. I have 2 types of broadcast I am doing:
1. Video tutorials/webinars sitting at my desktop
2. Live streaming my workshop photoshoots in my studio

Both of these applications will have different scenes and different sources. Is there a way to have a "DESKTOP" Scene and a ''STUDIO" Scene that are on separate Profiles, Profile 1 as DESKTOP and Profile 2 as STUDIO, and then just choose a profile dependent on what I am doing that day.



Active Member
That's what Scene Collections are for, yes.
Profiles in OBS are more for quickly storing presets for the type of recording; resolution, framerate, bitrate, normally more for the livestreaming side where bandwidth and game selection may determine what the best tradeoff point is. When recording locally, you generally just go native resolution and full framerate, since there isn't a bandwidth bottleneck to worry about.