Same source group and medias when I move it on one scenes it move on the other scene Help..


Good afternoon friends. I need help aligning my source files. I have two scenes one is called "torneo" the other is called "Full+Ch-Ads-NightBot" here is my problem. I have create a group source in one of the scene, within this group I have may media sources. and I have them all aligned as I want it. I copy that group and pasted it onto my other scene. but when I look at the group and activate one of the media source it show on a different area of obs screen. I tried to re-align them all but when I align then lets say on the scene called "torneo the it move to a different spot on my other scene. I attached two photos from both scenes. I anybody know what my problem is and how to fix it please let me know. I will appreciate it


  • Toreno.jpg
    577.6 KB · Views: 43
  • Full-Ch.jpg
    575.3 KB · Views: 42