Question / Help Same camera, different filters?


New Member
I've seen people have different scenes where their camera is black and white, and others different resolution etc.
I tried putting the same camera in as a new source but it will only show up in one scene I'm guessing because it can't be 'open' in more than one place. If I apply a filter to one scene, it changes it in another scene where I dont want it to change.

Is there any way to apply different specs and filters to the same video source but in different scenes? Or do the people I see do this literally have like 3 different camera sources?


Active Member
one camera source, unfiltered
Add that camera source to dedicated scenes for filters.
Apply the filters to the scene instead of the camera source
Add THOSE scenes as sources in the other scenes


New Member
I know it's an old post, but for anyone else looking to do this, the reply from Mario Mey regarding using groups and applying filters to them instead of to the cam source, is still valid and working in 2023.


Active Member
Groups cause unpredictable behavior and may break your entire scene collection. Nested scenes are more reliable.