run OBS without desktop enviromnet but with gui?


New Member
is there a way to run OBS studo from the terminal environment and have it launch a gui for obs but not have a desktop environment running in the background. for instance still have xorg installed and xfce desktop but just not launch into them. then use command from terminal environment to run obs studio GUI and have it be the only thing running.

I'm asking cause I wan't to setup a secondary recording/streaming pc using obs-ndi on linux mint xfce but the pc isn't that powerfull. it has a gt520 and intel i5 2400 4 cores. I want to be able to at least record 1080p 30FPS. and I don't know if this system will be capable. I've struggled the whole week just to get linux installed and I think using ventoy is what was causing so many issues.

any help or information would be greatly appreciated


New Member
would something like this work?
  • Install X windows without a desktop environment on your Linux system. This will provide the necessary X-server for GUI applications.
  • Install a minimal window manager, such as Fluxbox, using your package manager.
  • Configure the window manager to start automatically without any additional components like panels or menus.
  • Start the window manager and then run OBS Studio from the command line. OBS Studio will open in a minimal GUI environment provided by the window manager.


Active Member
If you're encoding live video, then the graphics environment is practically nothing at all by comparison. If you're really concerned, you can use xfce or lightdm or some other low-resource display manager, but even a "heavy" one like KDE isn't all that much compared to the amount data that you're going to stuff through it.

Just use OBS the way it's meant to be used, and if it can't do that, get some better hardware. You're not going to improve anything by deleting the desktop.