Question / Help RTMP Pull not working on Mac


New Member
OBS v 24.0.6
Mac OS 10.13.6
We need to take a zoom call into OBS so we can add graphics and also switch from live to pre-recorded content.
We are pushing the zoom call to our castr account. From there we use the rtmp pull code as a source in obs.
I can do this on my dell and it works just fine: add source - media source - use the RTMP pull from caster as the input and add "rtmp" as the input format. When I try the same thing on the macbook pro the source doesn't come through. Is there an extra step for the Mac?
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Active Member
Have not seen any issue. If I add a media source, uncheck "local file" and enter a full RTMP URL including stream key, RTMP ingest works. You don't need to add a format.