Question / Help RME Fireface UFX+ not recognized in OBS Studio


New Member
I have this firewire usb from RME -
This is not recognized in OBS like Audio In. In other software applications it works, but not in OBS.
I have a MacBook PRO with touch 2017, OS Mojave installed.

I want to connect that firewire in OBS to get external sound from a mixer (XONE 92)
I am glad if someone will answer on this thread.



New Member
Hi, djsesh,

did you solve your issue?
If so could you let me know how?
I have an ufx as well, also have the babyface pro and another usb class compliant audio device none of them work.
The only workaround I have found so far is use the audio in function on your laptop and connect that to the main out on your rme.

If you have any luck connecting your rme, please post it...