Retaining RGB color space (saving to local file only)


New Member

I've been playing with the OBS code, trying to figure out how to hack it to retain the RGB color space, in order to do a perfect lossless screen recording (with x264 -qp 0). So far I don't have much a clue yet. Therefore I'd much appreciate it if someone can give me some tips about where I should be looking at, or if this change would require too much hacking to be doable in a short time.

Thanks! Any comments are welcome.


New Member
The latest OBS-MP added support for this sort of thing but you probably want to use I444 instead of RGB with x264, or use the ffmpeg output to pick a different codec.

That's great, Sapiens! Thanks! I still haven't figured out the differences between OBS-mp and OBS. But anyway, I'm trying OBS-mp now.

I found that I444 output is only in effect when I use Advanced Output Mode; in Simple mode the output file always has 4:2:0 no matter what Color Format I chose in Advanced Video settings. This is a little confusing.

When I figured out and tested everything, I'll try to post a summary.


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Simple mode only has one encoder for both streaming/recording, so it has to force NV12/4:2:0 with it to ensure that the user doesn't accidentally stream with 4:4:4 (flash/streaming services do not support 4:4:4 decoding so it would come out as black).

Advanced output mode allows you to safely separate the encoding for streaming and encoding, so if you make the recording output use a separate encoder it will allow you to use full 4:4:4 there because it's isolated from streaming entirely. Otherwise it'll always be converted to NV12/4:2:0 to ensure streaming compatibility. Kind of an annoying gotcha for users but it's necessary.