Bug Report Restream.io with YT and Twitch not working?


Hello, I was already in contact with Restream.io support and they (for now) could't solve my problem. I want to stream to Twitch and YouTube Gaming the same time, but it seems Twitch stays offline for no reasons. If I only use Twitch alone it works fine. They said it maybe has to do with encoder, because the connection (according to restream) is fine but the picture is just black (but twitch dashboard shows for me offline).

OBS: 0.15.4 x64
Twitch: Tied 3 different servers, same result.
YouTube works just fine
I tried NVENC and H.264 encoder, still the same
There are no dropped frames. It's not a connection issue or related.

What do I miss here? i searched on reddit and people seems to not have any issue with that service?!

Is there anything else I could try/use?
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Active Member
Post your OBS log please.

And you really should NOT be using nvenc at all when streaming.


Why NVENC uses half of resources compared to the traditionally h.264.


  • 2016-09-07 16-17-26.txt
    13.2 KB · Views: 64
Nvenc doesn't handle low bitrate aswell as H.264 hence @Harold comment. If your cpu can handle it swhich to h.264 especially if you are using low bitrate when streaming.

Nvec is find for recording as you can give it a higher bitrate as you aren't as restricted with bandwidth.


I solved the problem, restream seems to fixed it. I removed the account from restream and re-added it and it works now.

Thread can be cosed.