resource approval


Let me be up front i am not complaining, just looking for advice. i posted a resource last month that was approved, well later i posted an "Update" (mostly just a version number change on the listing) but it went back to "awaiting approval". and i understand that as well, but i guess today it was approved again, and i noticed a couple of spelling mistakes and a few other typographical errors in the description, so i made those corrections. now it is back to "awaiting approval"

my question is what exactly triggers this approval process? i thought that changing the description would not do it. but i guess i was wrong. also will it take another month for approval again?

thanks for your time.


Forum Admin
I'm checking in to the specifics of what actually triggers an update requiring an approval, as I can't recall off the top of my head, but approvals are handled as fast as we can. There's only a small team who are able to view and approve changes, and they tend to pile up so we address them as quickly as we are able. We're working on carving out more time to dedicate to housekeeping items such as this, and working towards better transparency and better policies when it comes to resources so that expectations are clear to everyone. Thank you for your patience while we work towards these goals.


I'm checking in to the specifics of what actually triggers an update requiring an approval, as I can't recall off the top of my head, but approvals are handled as fast as we can. There's only a small team who are able to view and approve changes, and they tend to pile up so we address them as quickly as we are able. We're working on carving out more time to dedicate to housekeeping items such as this, and working towards better transparency and better policies when it comes to resources so that expectations are clear to everyone. Thank you for your patience while we work towards these goals.

i understand, really i do, i am not upset or anything. i just want to make sure that once it get approved again that i don't trigger it by mistake again.

thanks again.


New Member
I'm checking in to the specifics of what actually triggers an update requiring an approval, as I can't recall off the top of my head, but approvals are handled as fast as we can. There's only a small team who are able to view and approve changes, and they tend to pile up so we address them as quickly as we are able. We're working on carving out more time to dedicate to housekeeping items such as this, and working towards better transparency and better policies when it comes to resources so that expectations are clear to everyone. Thank you for your patience while we work towards these goals.
Thank you very much for your time and for your efforts!