Question / Help [Resolved] Packaging assistance


New Member
I'm attempting to build and package a clone of ef7f072 on OS X 10.11.6 (El Capitan). I'm fighting "dyld: Library not loaded..." for the needed Qt frameworks. If I symlink them in to the directory with the binary it runs but I've yet to figure out how to get that to translate so that "make package" produces valid results.

Homebrew shows 'qt5' as installed. The packages are available in both '/usr/local/opt/qt5/Frameworks' and '/opt/local/libexec/qt5/Frameworks'.

Where should I make them available?

Is 'make package', as mentioned in the macOS build directions, still the correct way to produce the package for installation on other machines?




New Member
Did you install Qt with the official installer or with Homebrew?
'home-brew install qt5'
Qt 5.5.1 complete development environment installed well before the above.

I see two differences that are probably significant comparing my build to that of the URL, above. "export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH..." and 'cpack' rather than 'make package.' I'll be trying these shortly. Thank you.