[Request] scene switcher

Michael Lin

New Member
A built-in scene switcher like the one on obs classic would be very good to have in obs studio. So it would be nice if there were the development of a scene switcher.


As one of the authors of the original scene switcher, I can tell you it is probably best to try to get this plugin working.
If it crashes, ask for support in that thread, it would be best for him to know so he can fix those issues for everyone.

So far, I have been waiting for obs to support adding user interface elements via a plugin. The reason this still is not possible is that plugins can currently only be written for the obs-studio core, and not for the user interface. Warmuptill has made a creative workaround to this by adding the settings to a source's properties. I'm sure that once it is possible to have a decent plugin properties page, he will implement that, as it will be a lot nicer and less error prone. I might get involved with it by that time, but it might not even be necessary, as what he's currently made seems to already have more functionality than the original simple scene switcher.