Request for a paid development for OBS Studio


New Member

I am looking for a way to control OBS from another program for controlling the recording and streaming functions. We need a way to control the following functions:

- start/stop recording
- start/stop streaming
- define target path and name of the recorded file
- define target streaming url

The communication should be done by tcp, udp, osc or webrequest. At least it would be great if the tool could work as hidden (e.g. in tray for Windows).

We couldn't implement these features ourselves since we don't have anybody using C++. We are happy to pay for the programming and of course will it still be open source.

Is there anybody who is able to do it?



You could get that done with a GUI clicker like Rational Robot or IBM Functional Tester or any GNU similar program... I know it sucks... but would get the job done... you would communicate with your GUI clicker from another computer... we did something similar in java for a similar purpose.


New Member
A GUI clicker won't help, because I need to control OBS from a program which is running on the same computer like OBS. In addition OBS shouldn't be visible except for the task bar. The other program is in the main focus and OBS should record and stream the screen.


i do that with split screen, being the second screen the one that is recorded and in the first one I do all the clicking...


New Member
No way to do this, because the pc is used for presentations. There will be no operator at the pc. Therefore we need to control it automatically through the presentation program.

Isn't there anybody who knows the code well and could implement it?


The Helping Squad
Probably the only one who knows the code well enough is Jim himself as he is the only "full-time" developer.
The first two options could be done by sending hotkeys to OBS while the latter two options would probably need some kind of api.


Forum Moderator
You could hack something together using Autohotkey or any other software that can send key presses to windows. You could even do that in let's say python and have it communicate over the network.