Question / Help Replay Buffer?


New Member
So I read that late last year this was coming to Studio. There are Keybinds for it but no where in Studio to set the Buffer Timing (i.e. I want to record the last X amount of Minutes of game play) option.

Shadowplay is nice but its quality is quite lacking imo. OBS Classic did far better job when I used it in the past for shadowplaing type options - but it would crash often due to the app not being stable in this area.

With OBS I can tweak the NVENC options for better quality, Shadowplay uses mid-presets of quality I don't care for.

Am I missing something?
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New Member
It's in Studio at least since 17.0. Look in Settings > Output.

Output Mode should be set to Simple to enable replay buffer.

Recording > [ ] Enable Replay Buffer

Replay Buffer > Maximum Replay Time (Seconds).

Pressing your "Save Replay" hotkey will dump the above number of seconds worth of video from RAM to disk. Setting this number very high might eat your RAM.


Haven't tried to check if Replay Buffer is available by other means in Advanced mode, but the above should work to set Replay buffer length.
