Replay Buffer delay recording time.


New Member

I use reply buffer a lot in my fast fps games and I would really need a way to delay the recording for a few seconds.
The problem with the current approach is that the clips ends way to fast and is bad for any editing scenarios. Of course there is the option to wait for that many seconds and then press record, but that is not useful in real life scenarios. For example , if I have a buffer of 10 seconds, and something happens in the game that I consider to be important, I will press the key to save the moment. Doing so the important part is at the end with no more than 1 second after the press. I cannot wait few seconds as I need to continue the game.

So please please, add a delay option after we press the key.
My use case would be > 7 seconds replay buffer, with 2 or maybe 3 seconds delay , so the important clip is in the middle.

Thanks in advance :)