Replace "Fullscreen Projector" with window?


New Member
I recently started playing with OBS-MP. It looks and works much better than old one.
One of 'missing features' of old OBS is "Fullscreen Projector" option for each scene. We missed that much back when we were streaming conference.
But the problem with current implementation is that it requires having at least n+1 screens when you want to preview n sources.
What about an option to open scene preview in new window instead of fullscreen? This way I could preview eg. 4 scenes on single monitor, and if needed - there may be an option in context menu of each window to make it fullscreen on current monitor.
This would be very useful when dealing with multiple camera event, like we do.

Oh, if I can ask, how far away is nvenc/quicksync implementation on todo list? That's probably last missing piece for us to switch into OBS-MP.


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Forum Moderator
It's planned, though I can only do so much code at a time. Two hardware encoders, multi-source projector, meanwhile other people are asking for deinterlacing, all the while I need to write a plugin manager, then there are transitions, and a bunch of other things. The list is pretty much endless. It just takes time, and people skilled enough to do this sort of stuff, both of which are mutually dependent on each other, therefore both pretty fairly limited.

What you did was cool, though I wish some skilled engineers were throwing some contributions upstream.