Question / Help Repeated frames - Window Capture vs Game Capture


New Member
Hello to everyone !
I'm hopping you guys can help me out. I want to record some racing games for myself and while trying to achieve that with shadowplay the end footage was not near fluid, allot of repeated frames. After many tries and failures I started googling on the matter and It seams shadow play is kinda hopeless atm.. it also lead me to Obs Studio.

...and I'm almost there. About 99.9% there I guess.
My problem is rare repeated frames with game capture while window capture all is fine! The only difference on the 2 videos bellow is only that, window capture vs game capture, or please correct me if I'm wrong, window mode vs full screen. Same resolution, same settings. I'm using this unigine heaven windmill animation because it's quite easy to catch the stutter/skip while it spins.

Here you have log file and 2 videos straight of Obs studio, window capture vs game capture. Just for comparison you also have shadowplay video inside folder. Also screens of settings if that helps.

Game Capture video has repeated frame at second 17 one frame, second 33 has 2 repeated frames.
I think I did everything I could think of, lower resolution, on both unigine and obs studio, very low unigine settings so I'm 100% sure the gpu is relaxed. I'm using NVENC for encoding. I tried all kinds of encoding settings...

Cpu 4970K , 980M Gpu, Win 10.

For playing files, MPC-HC 1.7.10, Lav Video configured to dxva2 copy-back and madvr 0.90.9 for renderer.

Almost forgot, I have no stutter, skips, nothing, on the actual thing that i'm recording.

Thank you.


New Member
Game capture plugin has always been a tad unreliable when compared to window capture, but I prefer it since I usually downsample my games and that requires the application to be in exclusive fullscreen mode.

From my experience, the best possible configuration to avoid stutter while using Game Capture is as follow:
  • Use Windows 10 (I noticed a marked improvement after transitioning from 7, especially in long sessions with lots of alt-tabbing);
  • Capture at native resolution or if you must go lower, use bilinear downsampling filter;
  • Do not apply any filters to scenes or sources;
  • Stick with the software x264 encoder, all others are a gample;
  • Keep your overlays to a minimum. Steam should be fine but disable everything else, including nvidia share overlay if you are using the beta)
Try using the software x264 encoder, your CPU should be able to handle 1080p60 fine at default settings (veryfast preset). If not, lower it to ultrafast and increase bitrate until you're satisfied. It won't be any worse than NVENC, that's for sure.

But be aware that all software capture methods using hooks are imperfect and if you really can't stand a duplicated or skipped frame here and there you should be looking at hardware solutions, they are pretty affordable these days.


New Member
Thank you guys.
I did try all the above except the b-frame = 0 and still no go. I get repeated frames. I ordered the hauppauge hd pvr 60. Wish me luck


Active Member
Single computer setup?
If so, don't bother with a capture card at all.

HDPVR is also one of the worse ones to get.

And if you're trying to capture games, It doesn't matter if they're windowed or not.

Also, post your OBS log.