Bug Report Rename

When I want to rename a scene, I right click on the scene and click on rename. If the scene is two words and I hit the spacebar, it triggers OBS to transition to another scene and kicks me out of the renaming process and I have to go back and right click on the scene and click on rename and finish.

This needs a fix.



Active Member
If you have your 'transition' hotkey set to the space bar, this is normal and expected behavior. The only fix is to set the hotkey to something else. It's a hotkey, not a shortcut... as soon as the key gets hit no matter what you're doing, it takes effect. That's the point of a hotkey.
I completely disagree. When in the rename MODE, the space bar should act as a space bar. When in the transition MODE the space bar should act as a hot key... the way it was programmed. If I were in the rename MODE and I were typing the name Fred and I had "F" as a hotkey to fade, would you expect the program to fade(?) or continue on with the name?
Even when I enter the "Add Scene" MODE and I name it, the space bar will trigger a transition.

I have utterly no idea why shortcut keys have now entered the picture. There is absolutely no logic to this at all.

AGAIN... if in the "Add Scene" MODE and I'm typing in the name of Fred and I had "F" as a Hotkey to fade, I would not be able to type in the name of Fred. Why then have a naming platform if it is going to be intermixed and conflicted with the hotkeys?

Please answer that one.



Forum Admin
Hotkeys are usually set to a combination that you won't accidentally trigger during normal PC use, such as how the hotkey for task manager is Ctrl + Shift + ESC. OBS doesn't prevent you from setting simple hotkeys though if that's what you really want, but then you shouldn't really complain when things like this happen.

There's an option to disable hotkeys while OBS is focused if this fits your use case.



Active Member
I completely disagree.
That's fine. You're welcome to, but it won't change anything, and will make you look a bit silly.
If I were in the rename MODE and I were typing the name Fred and I had "F" as a hotkey to fade, would you expect the program to fade(?) or continue on with the name?
To immediately fade. Because that's how hotkeys work. They don't care about 'mode', or what you're doing at the moment. They care about 'was key pressed? Do the thing RIGHT NOW'. As opposed to shortcuts. And yes, if you set single-key hotkeys it will generally make your keyboard unusable for typing. So don't do that.
Actually, the whole OBS Program is a bit silly. It includes the word "Broadcast" alluding to something professional, but there are countless fixes needed to make it professional and the programmers seem non-pulsed at bringing things up to speed at any time soon.

I really don't want to argue... Mark Twain put it succinctly...
“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”
You win!
I can't believe how illogical this whole thread is. Here is a scenario. I open Cool Edit Pro and open a file and I hit the Space Bar to make it play. While I'm listening to Cool Edit Pro playing, I open my browser and go to Gmail and compose an email and while I am typing, I'm using the Space Bar and it doesn't interfere with Cool Edit Pro playing, because Cool Edit Pro is open in a whole other window; and I'm not in that window. When I am in OBS and I open a whole other window called "Add Scene" and I happen to use the Space Bar, it also triggers a transition; and I'm not in the transition window. If I used all 26 letters of the alphabet as hot keys, I would never be able to rename anything, because it would be triggering all sorts of hot key programming.

It's a Bug and it needs a fix. Get behind the idea. If I were a programmer, I'd fix it.
