Remote players, audios out of sync, use NDI to separete tracks, echo with everything muted but at least 2 players (besides) me. Help?


New Member
Hello, i'm trying to stream my dnd games, with remote players. But the cameras and audios are out of sync, so i tried to delay the audios, but to do that i need different audio tracks for each of my players, so i am using NDI with skype. But for some reason, even if i mute everything but the players voice, there's a eco "built in" their tracks, every track reproduce what the other track said with a delay. I really don't know what i can do, i tried, muting one by one, but with, at least, 2 it has echo, i tried putting in different channels... with my desktop audio on and every one of their tracks muted there's no echo, but the delay is different for each one... can someone help me?