Relative File Paths For Scene Portability


New Member
Hi! I'm a programmer in my day job, so my request is formatted with perhaps too much information. Before I dive in to all that, I just want to show my appreciation for such an amazing project. The scope of something like this is staggering, compared to the corporate software I've worked on. Thank you so much to all the OBS contributors!

My use case:
I use the same scenes across several devices. When I capture external sources, I use my laptop, but I also like to capture directly on my HTPC at home. Instead of duplicating a bunch of scene work to keep both in sync, I put OBS in portable mode in my Google Drive. I also want these scenes to go to other broadcasters I collaborate with. I put the source files for the images and videos in a folder also on my Google Drive.

The problem:
Not every device has Google Drive installed in the same place, and I would not even consider imposing that kind of requirement on a collaborator.

The workaround:
I can use my code editor (i.e. Atom) to do a find/replace on my scene collection json. e.g. `D:/Users/Username/Google Drive/Videography` with `../../../Videography`. Relative paths in the json work on all devices that I've tested. (Windows 8.1 and Windows 10).

The request:
Can we get a small button on the `Properties for 'image'` form that converts source paths to a relative path à la Linux realpath. `$ realpath --relative-to=/usr/bin/nmap /tmp/testing` Or maybe a radio button somewhere? Ideally, there would be a toggle in the options to automatically save all paths as relative.