Question / Help Red tint +Frozen recording/Preview


New Member
Hey guys so I have an issue with OBS I have seen the issue come up multiple times with other games I have tried to record, most of the time I just set the game to windowed mode and use Display Capture rather than Game Capture to record it and it fixes the issue, But with this game I cant do that because when I put the game into window mode it freaks out and is unplayable so it has to be in full screen. I am just unsure of how to fix this issue and when I tried to google it I couldn't find anything about it.

I have attached 2 log files and link to a sample of the issue below.

Log 1:

Log 2:


  • 2017-02-07 02-31-58.txt
    19.1 KB · Views: 15
  • 2017-02-07 02-52-04.txt
    4.4 KB · Views: 6


-update obs
-run 64bit version of obs instead of 32bit

if you are still getting the problem upload a new log from the newest version of obs and make sure it has a recording in it

also what was the video supposed to look like? upload a screenshot of what it should look like