Bug Report Red screen when using Xcomposite


New Member
Just tried obs studio and it is working great.
The only issue I have is that Xcomposite is not working at all, I tried a multitude of windows, but the only one that is recording correctly is OBS itself. (Not even any of it's child windows like the screen where you select the window, just OBS itself)

This is very unfortunate, since I always liked the ability to grab a single window about obs.

This console output was generated by creating a Xcomposite source, changing the window it is capturing from and deleting the source:
error: xcompcap: XCompositeNameWindowPixmap failed: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
info: source 'Window Capture (Xcomposite)' (xcomposite_input) created
error: xcompcap: XCompositeNameWindowPixmap failed: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
Xlib: sequence lost (0x1f4c08 > 0x1e4c09) in reply type 0x7!
error: xcompcap: XCompositeNameWindowPixmap failed: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
info: source 'Window Capture (Xcomposite)' destroyed

Other than that, you did a really good job. Using XSHM I streamed for a short moment and it was great. Since I was able to use PulseAudio to do some audio redirections I also didn't get the sound lag I always got when using Virtual Audio Cable on Windows, making streaming impossible. (Try playing a rhythm game with sound lag :P)

OT: Keyboard shortcuts for switching scene would be nice :)

Edit: By the way, I'm using up-to-date Arch Linux with i3 as my window manager. No desktop environment and xwd is able to grab window contents just fine.

Edit2: I had a feeling this is because of i3 (a tiling window manager, btw), so I installed xfce4-session and xfwm4 and tried with that. It didn't work completely, but it definitely worked better than before. (My urxvt terminal was still showing up red, but teamspeak, for example, suddenly worked.)
So it is a problem with how i3 handles its windows, maybe?
The error message in XFCE is different, too. Basically the same message but with glXCreatePixmap instead of XCompositeNameWindowPixmap
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New Member
Turns out this is because the window I tried it with was on a different workspace and therefore unmapped.
This is not just a problem with i3, but also XFCE. XFCE doesn't make such heavy use of workspaces as i3 and it didn't occur to me to try putting the window I am testing with on a different workspace.

I'm not sure what to do about it, though...


New Member
Like I said, XFCE/XWWM doesn't make such heavy use of workspaces. i3 is a tiling window manager, you pretty much have to use workspaces :P


New Member
This is still an issue. I did not encounter this issue with the version in the stable repos in for Ubuntu 14.04. I switched back to Arch Linux and installed obs-studio-git, and Xcomposite renders only a red window.


New Member
The Arch obs-studio-git package has not been updated in over a month.

Thanks for the tip, I rebuilt directly from github. Still an issue from what I can tell, though. I've worked my way around this issue by using XFCE, for some reason it seems to have less issues with this. I think it's related to compositing rather than the actual DE though.
it's only an issue with windows that have a composition layer in them. i can't capture a terminal window or a konsole window BUT most of my windows work just fine. you can't minimize them or they'll turn red so i just don't minimize the window. there's a bug on mantis i'm pretty sure