Bug Report Recording loses video footage half way through, while stream is fine.


New Member
So, I was streaming, and everything seemed to be fine. The twitch VOD ( https://www.twitch.tv/wwedeadman/v/92440458 ) of the entire stream is absolutely fine, but for some reason the local recording stopped recording video footage about 15 minutes into the recording. From there it's audio only.

I did stop recording, while not stopping streaming some time after that happened (for convenience in editing of the video) and started recording again. The new file ended up being audio only from start to finish. same with two more recordings I started in the same stream session.

I have no idea what could have caused this. I am using the latest OBS Studio, in 64 bit, on Win7x64. I'm using the new AMD h264 encoder, on the twitch preset. Hardware: CPU AMD FX 8350, GPU: Radeon HD 7970

OBS log of that session: https://gist.github.com/11294d1df603b95f0a5a449dfa964591

Any help is appreciated.


New Member
So, this also happens when only recording locally. On top of that, the OLD AMD codec, that worked fine before, now ALWAYS has the "Encoding overloaded!" message at the bottom of the OBS window when using it. No matter what I try to record with it. So, essentially, I can not rely on OBS at all anymore to record locally, unless I drop a lot of quality and use the standard codec. Not something I feel like doing, really.


Active Member
How do you drop quality switching to x264 other than doing something silly like telling it to use the stream encoder or not giving x264 good settings?


New Member
Not really the topic here, but generally for me having the GPU do the encoding impacts game performance less than having the CPU do it, therefore I can have higher quality settings. On most stuff I couldn't record 1080p60 with x264, while I can with the AMD codec.

Anyway, I managed to fix the issue by updating the new AMD codec plugin from its own github page ( https://github.com/Xaymar/OBS-AMD-Advanced-Media-Framework ) No more freeze-framing on longer recordings. Might wanna consider updating the plug in in the OBS download.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
@Xaymar's AMD AMF plugin currently only gets updated in the installer when new releases of OBS Studio are made. As far as I'm aware, a built-in plugin download/update feature is being considered, but that would take development time away from many other bug-fixes and features. For the time being, you have to either grab plugin updates yourself or wait for a new release of OBS Studio.


New Member
i can confirm i also had this problem had almost 5 hours of playing and some good action then went back to watch my recording (not streaming) i had 20ish mins of video the rest audio