Question / Help Recording home movie tapes (Hi-8) via capture card


New Member
Hello! I am brand new to OBS so I apologize if I am slow to understand.
I bought an analog-to-digital capture card so I can convert my family's old hi-8 tapes to a digital format. In their manual, the capture card brand says that Mac users should use quick time player to record, but says that windows users can use OBS, so I figured I would just use OBS so I can have more options with the settings.

I hooked everything up and set it up on OBS and it seems to be working fine. The main issue is that the video is in black and white. There is a section in the capture card manual for this, and they suggest solving it by changing the video standard using the software they provide (or in my case, didn't provide. I'm currently trying to get the download link from their help desk). I'm attaching that section of their user manual in case it provides any helpful information.

SO my question is, is there any way to do what they are suggesting just through OBS itself? Can I change the video standard that way? Or, is there some other solution for the B&W problem by using OBS?

Hopefully this all makes sense. Thanks to whoever reads this!


  • Screen Shot 2019-12-20 at 12.03.43 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2019-12-20 at 12.03.43 PM.png
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Active Member
If the driver for your capture device is compatible with OBS, then you should be able to add it as a source, and change its settings by right-clicking that source in the OBS interface and choosing from the available options.

If there are no such options, then you probably do need to use their software and not OBS.

It is not particularly unusual for vendors to advertise capture hardware as "compatible with OBS" and "compatible with MacOS" without bothering to point out that it's not compatible with OBS when running on MacOS, and that they either have custom software you have to use, or just use QuickTime player.