I'd like to be able to record two monitors.
What's going on: Recording a browser game, but the CSS layout is really bad. To be able to play it, I need to have my two monitors "Stacked vertically" in system preferences, and the browser window spread over both monitors.
I can do that. It's not great -- there's a number of things that can trigger the window to collapse to only one monitor, and then it takes time and effort to resize it back.
Options that I see:
1. Window recording. But not only is this normally slow, I can't help but think it will be even slower with a split screen window.
And, I don't know what happens if a 1024 wide, 720 + 636-ish tall window suddenly collapses down to 1024x720, or if I need to shrink it to thin to get it down tall and then back to full -- how does the recording handle this?
2. Two different OBS's running, each recording a different screen.
3. ???
4. Profit.
Is there a better way?
What's going on: Recording a browser game, but the CSS layout is really bad. To be able to play it, I need to have my two monitors "Stacked vertically" in system preferences, and the browser window spread over both monitors.
I can do that. It's not great -- there's a number of things that can trigger the window to collapse to only one monitor, and then it takes time and effort to resize it back.
Options that I see:
1. Window recording. But not only is this normally slow, I can't help but think it will be even slower with a split screen window.
And, I don't know what happens if a 1024 wide, 720 + 636-ish tall window suddenly collapses down to 1024x720, or if I need to shrink it to thin to get it down tall and then back to full -- how does the recording handle this?
2. Two different OBS's running, each recording a different screen.
3. ???
4. Profit.
Is there a better way?