Recording Audio and Video of a Pre-Recorded Class


New Member
I have access to the recordings of a couple of classes I took, but I do not have the ability to download them. Will OBS record both the audio and video of these classes if I play them on my computer?

Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.


Active Member
Others aren't responding because that's the correct answer. You're clearly trying to copy other people's content. OBS is not for copying other people's content, it's for creating content. If there's no download link, contact the owners.


Yes, OBS can do this unless they have some advanced copy protection. Regardless of what armchair lawyers say, you do have the right to copy media for personal use in the US under Section 107 of the Copyright Act. You will need to set up the program right but yes it's doable.

Add a source for the screen you're using, set your resolution, color etc as appropriate. To keep it simple I suggest recording as MP4 or MOV with PCM sound. Record the full resolution of your screen. Here are some sample settings that will work if you have a modern Nvidia graphics card:




