Within the past couple weeks, I've tried recording some gameplay while chatting through discord voice chat. Everything sounds fine in the recording and while playing and talking, but when watching the video I noticed once in a while my voice will get some kind of interruption and it sounds like if a cd were scratched and it tries to backtrack a couple seconds but doesn't. I have a quick video of just what it sounds like. I use a pair of Logitech usb headphones with microphone, the onboard mic and playback devices are all disable so its just the headphones.
Is this a result of discord, obs, or maybe a system fault? I'm thinking system, after running a usb troubleshoot I get a message saying "the usb controller is in a failed state, or not currently installed". If anyone knows about that, advice on fixing it is most welcome. Thank you.
Is this a result of discord, obs, or maybe a system fault? I'm thinking system, after running a usb troubleshoot I get a message saying "the usb controller is in a failed state, or not currently installed". If anyone knows about that, advice on fixing it is most welcome. Thank you.