Question / Help Recorded Drawing, Problems with the recording


New Member
(sorry I was unsure about titling, but I can explain my issue).
I was using OBS to record what was going to be a speedpaint video, so I recorded about 26 minutes of me drawing on photoshop, but when I watched the footage back, it was not right. The footage freezes and skips every few seconds, and freezes for a long period of time, then skips forward in the drawing. Unusable for my purposes.
For reference, I'm using a laptop computer to record and draw, and I know it's not really advised to use something like a laptop for screen recording, but I don't have a desktop available right now. I hope this is a fixable issue.
Thanks to anyone who can help.

Also I'm really trying to figure out how to post my log file here, but I'm kind of really confused (I'm sorry I'm a bit technically inept in areas like this), but I'm going to post the log link thing it gave me and hopefully someone can tell me if theres something else I need to do with the log (if this is necessary for my fix)
Can you post a log with a recording? Post a log that says Recording Start or something like that. You could also record for a bit, stop, and post that log.


New Member
So I am really trying to figure out how to work with logs and log files, but I really don't quite understand them, but in order to get my issue fixed I'm doing my best to the video that I took that had issues. Because I can't upload mp4 files, I'm attempting to compress my file into a rar document so that (hopefully) anyone can look at the video after unzipping it.
I can get a video compressed in a rar file, but I a. can't seem to get anything down to the necessary 1MB and B. really short videos seem to do better than the longer ones I'm in need of taking.
(again, very sorry that I don't understand how logs work, could you explain to me how to upload a log?)


Active Member
We don't want copies of the videos.
We want the OBS session log from a session where you had trouble.


New Member
Okay I have the text for the log session where I had the most trouble, but as it's a very long block of text I'm not sure how best to post it here. How would you like me to attatch it? (the file size is too big to upload)
Output 'simple_file_output': Number of skipped frames due to encoding lag: 82280 (164.8%)

Output 'simple_file_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 2224 (2.7%)

Your CPU cannot handle live-encoding your video. Your GPU cannot keep up with rendering frames either. You should probably invest in a new laptop. For your purposes, something with Intel integrated graphics is probably enough (i5 or an i7 maybe?).


New Member
Okay thank you very much. I'm saving for a new desktop so I'll try again when I get that. I appreciate it very much. I thought that might have been the problem.