Record a clean/separated video from a source using a filter and script


Hello guys, thanks for having me here.

I was wondering if this ide existes or would be possible to do it: many streamers likes to stream their live sessions and afterwards post an edited video with highlights, best shots, and so on. The problem is that the streamed video has all the overlays you usually have, like showing the live chat, alerts, OBS effects and so on, making it unusable for editing purposes. I think a nice solution for that, would be to have an addon so we can add it as a filter within the source you want to encode the separated video file, like a game capture. It could use something opensource like FFMPEG (using NVENC) with basic settings (usually compressed lossless) and a script that starts/stop this encode based on the main OBS recording status...

This would result in a "clean" game capture video se we could edit it later and post in different social networks, even Instagram that has a different aspect ratio, for example.

Another important point is the audio. This is not too bad because we can always use the local recorded streamed video file, containing the audio tracks (specially if separate audio tracks, like main game, voip, music and so on). It would be nice to have audio options within the addon/filter but not a deal breaker.

I know this could be done with NDI but you'll need a separate app to configure the source and manually start recording the stream locally. Also you'll have to deal with their codec and file size in your NLE later :)

What do you guys think?

Thanks a lot!