Recommended recording and streaming settings


New Member

I was looking into this question and I found some conflicting answers and I need help clarify this issue.

this reddit thread says use cpu hvec for best smallest file size and quality:
but maybe that's a handbrake specific issue.

I am looking to record hours of 1440p resolution video, then edit it in davinci resolve into shorter 1080p clips then export those clips to youtube.

My question selecting mov output format and choosing hvec encoder, would it be recommended to use cpu as the encoder or gpu?

My system is ryzen 9 6900hs with a 3060 gpu, 1 tb hdd so I'd like good quality recording but file size is also important.

as for streaming I think it was said to use hvec 16000 constant bitrate for decent stream quality.

screen recording hvec 6000 VBR hvec.

Any suggestions?


Hey! It all depends on the game you will be recording. For slow content, 25 Mbps is sufficient for 2K resolution. For dynamic content with high graphics 38-50 Mbps. The higher the bitrate, the better the video quality. Recording in FHD requires half the bitrate of 2K. The VBR bitrate will allow you to slightly reduce the size of the final file when possible. For recording in high quality, CQP is usually used, but the files are huge. CBR/VBR is relevant if you want to control the file size and know the target bitrate that you then specify in the video editor.

HEVC will provide higher quality, especially in dynamic fragments, but I personally prefer H.264 due to better compatibility when processing a file. More specifically, H.265/HEVC saves 25-50% more bitrate than H.264

Lastly, you need to render and upload videos in 2K resolution. To be more precise, higher than FHD. I have explained this many times on the forum, so I will attach one of the topics.
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