Bug Report Realtek Optical Gradual Audio Desync


New Member
I talked to the person on the Twitter account a bit on this recently. I found a way to 'reset' the desync, but I'm still finding that the desync is still happening, so I wanted to make a thread.

I never had this issue with Nvidia audio through HDMI.

What I've got configured right now is my default output set to Realtek Optical because, sadly, my old audio receiver doesn't have HDMI. Specifically, I like having the default format for it set to DTS Interactive 5.1.

I can't figure out exactly what's triggering the desync (and triggering the desync to increase) with OBS recording and streams, but what I do know is that it generally starts out pretty slight and gradually gets bigger. I've noticed a 1 second delay or more so far. This desync does not fix itself after restarting a recording. It does not fix itself after restarting OBS. It doesn't even fix itself after rebooting the computer. Yet, the desync appears only through OBS recordings (and streams) - meaning there's no delay coming live through my audio receiver. This is with OBS-MP/Studio 0.13.1 64-bit (and previous) Windows 10. Both NVENC and x264. I also tried changing the OBS audio sample rate from 44.1 khz to 48 khz, but it's still happening.

However, then I found out that I can reset the desync by changing the Realtek Optical output's default format from DTS Interactive 5.1 to something else, applying, and changing it back. Again, even rebooting doesn't fix the desync somehow. Only thing I've found really is changing the format and changing it back to reset it.

I guess I could also note that I don't think this desync even happens when I have my default output set to Virtual Audio Cable and have my Realtek Optical DTS routed through it (configured for all 6 channels), but I guess I can't say really for sure at the moment.

Any ideas?...


Forum Moderator
Verifying which devices are affected would be a useful start. If it seems limited only to Realtek audio I'd reinstall the latest drivers from their site and cross my fingers.