New Member
I am experiencing an interesting thing here; I've got the Razer Ripsaw hooked up via HDMI, with the crossbar settings set to take in audio from the HDMI as well. When I do a test recording of the xbox360 however, no audio is captured.
If I set the audio to go through desktop passthrough (WaveOut seems best, as DirectSound has a weird staticy sound in it) the audio passes through fine, and I can record that way, however then I have to mute every other app to be sure no sound is getting into the recording/on the stream from another program.
Am I not thinking of this in the right way? I assumed that capture audio only would take the audio from the HDMI on the Ripsaw, and then instead of playing it out the speakers it would "play it" into the recording/stream without me having to hear it or mix it. Is this not how it is supposed to work?
Also to note, when the Ripsaw is in HDMI in w/"Capture Audio Only" set, the green potentiometer bar in the Mixer area jumps up and down as though it has audio playing on that channel regardless of if audio is actually playing at that level on that channel. (ie: a quiet scene with just waves in the background would have the same bar behavior as if Prong was playing a concert, whereas if I set it to output to desktop the bar behaves more in line with expectations for the audio coming through.
Is this just a problem with how the Ripsaw works? I have seen in another thread a complaint about the drivers being non-standard/undocumented for this device, so I don't know if it's a case of "yeah you're thinking of it in the right way, but the device doesn't work in the right way" or if I'm just not knowing what I'm doing entirely.
I have included logs just in case it's something on my side. Overall I'm super impressed with OBS, so I'm leaning towards this being an issue with something the Razer does/doesn't do, or something like HDCP is preventing the audio from being recorded over the HDMI or whatever.
Any help is appreciated; I'm new to streaming but not new to computers, so I've gone through a lot of reconfiguration of my setup here just to be sure it wasn't a fault in my logic that was keeping things from working right.
I am experiencing an interesting thing here; I've got the Razer Ripsaw hooked up via HDMI, with the crossbar settings set to take in audio from the HDMI as well. When I do a test recording of the xbox360 however, no audio is captured.
If I set the audio to go through desktop passthrough (WaveOut seems best, as DirectSound has a weird staticy sound in it) the audio passes through fine, and I can record that way, however then I have to mute every other app to be sure no sound is getting into the recording/on the stream from another program.
Am I not thinking of this in the right way? I assumed that capture audio only would take the audio from the HDMI on the Ripsaw, and then instead of playing it out the speakers it would "play it" into the recording/stream without me having to hear it or mix it. Is this not how it is supposed to work?
Also to note, when the Ripsaw is in HDMI in w/"Capture Audio Only" set, the green potentiometer bar in the Mixer area jumps up and down as though it has audio playing on that channel regardless of if audio is actually playing at that level on that channel. (ie: a quiet scene with just waves in the background would have the same bar behavior as if Prong was playing a concert, whereas if I set it to output to desktop the bar behaves more in line with expectations for the audio coming through.
Is this just a problem with how the Ripsaw works? I have seen in another thread a complaint about the drivers being non-standard/undocumented for this device, so I don't know if it's a case of "yeah you're thinking of it in the right way, but the device doesn't work in the right way" or if I'm just not knowing what I'm doing entirely.
I have included logs just in case it's something on my side. Overall I'm super impressed with OBS, so I'm leaning towards this being an issue with something the Razer does/doesn't do, or something like HDCP is preventing the audio from being recorded over the HDMI or whatever.
Any help is appreciated; I'm new to streaming but not new to computers, so I've gone through a lot of reconfiguration of my setup here just to be sure it wasn't a fault in my logic that was keeping things from working right.