Question / Help Questions for a Newbee - Axe-Fx, Fireface and More


New Member
Hello. I'm new to OBS. I have run into a few issues. I saw some threads on these topics but I have several questions/issues, so hopefully ok to create a new thread.

I first tried to stream with my Fireface UC but nothing happens (no sound, no sound meter movement). It's recognized under the audio drop down boxes but after I set it up there is no sound at all. Seems others have had this issue with RME interfaces. Any updates here? I then set it up with my Fractal Audio Axe-Fx III as the interface and it worked. So it wasn't my setup procedure for the RME Fireface.

I then set up a test stream on YouTube and it worked, but I only heard the right channel from the Axe-Fx which is in stereo. On the OBS Audio Mixer there are two thin green lines going horizontally with the left side being the lower volume and redline on the right. Both the L and R rows are working but the top row (I assume the left) had a red little box on the left side. As if it was telling me this was not working. It seemed to be related to me not being able to hear the left side. Any thoughts on what I might be doing wrong?

So in order to troubleshoot all of this, I didn't want to have to set up a streaming session each time. I want to just test OBS first. How can I hear the output of OBS from my computer? I went to Settings Audio Advanced and tried the Built-in Line Output and the Built-In Output but this didn't work. I just want to play my guitar through the Axe-Fx and hear the L and R output from OBS on my computer If that's working then I can take the next step and test the streaming. Hope this makes sense.

Thank you in advance!